If you’re struggling with obesity, weight loss is vital to your health. A number of common medical conditions are related to excess weight and lead to serious health consequences. The good news is, many of these conditions may be improved dramatically with minimal weight loss. Some health issues as a result of obesity include:
High cholesterol / high triglycerides / low HDL cholesterol / hyperlipidemia
Obesity issues related to pregnancy deserve specific attention. The desire for future pregnancy is an important reason to consider weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. It is important to note that during pregnancy and breast feeding, we do not promote weight loss. It is best to reach a healthy weight before getting pregnant for many reasons:
Potential Problems for Mothers with Obesity / Overweight
Gestational diabetes risk is up to 20 times higher.
High blood pressure / pre-eclampsia risk is up to 10 times higher.
C-section delivery is up to 3 times more likely.
Hospital stay for mom at delivery averages 4 days longer.
Cost of prenatal care and delivery is much higher.
Potential Problems for Babies of Overweight or Obese Moms
Major birth defects are 35% more likely. The greatest risk is for neural tube defects.
Intensive care unit stay for the newborn is 3 times more likely.
Death of the fetus or newborn is 3 times more likely.
Several Other Potential Medical Conditions are Associated with Obesity or Being Overweight Including:
Heart disease / coronary artery disease
Diabetes mellitus type II / pre-diabetes / impaired glucose
High blood pressure / hypertension high cholesterol / hyperlipidemia
Sleep apnea / daytime sleepiness
Kidney disease
Cancer of the breast, esophagus, stomach, colon, endometrium, and kidney
Rheumatoid arthritis
ObGyn complications / infertility
Neural tube defects in infants
Chronic venous insufficiency / deep vein thrombosis